/​AFX Studios; Studio N770-499-0735; 770-856-3258
Special art services company established by master artist Andre Freitas specializing in out of the box thinking providing sculpture, costumes and special effects. Clients include local & national film industry projects including Vampire Diaries, Footloose, Big Mamma's House 3,  Ringling Brothers circus, Fernbank museums, WWE wrestling, Rock band Kiss, Mcormick and Smitch seafood, U.S army.

Leslie Alterman ; Studio C-2; 678-938-6027
Intuitive abstract expressionist; Instruction

Atelier K-2; Studio K-2; 770-218-0676
Classroom & work area. Weekly classes in painting and drawing . Shane McDonald hosts a weekly open studio life figure drawing/painting session. 

The Artists' Asylum; Studio H-3 ; 678-401-5781
Dedicated to creative expression and joy through movement. Aerialists, Aerial Points, Performers and Artists Open Practice & Classes.

Beads By Design; Studio L; 770-425-3909
Limited Edition & Custom Designed Precious Jewelry
Demonstrations, classes, special presentation instructors.  A premier bead and jewelry design center. Create your own, or have us do it for you. Over 25 years in the jewelry profession, creating one of a kind works of wearable art. 
Facebook: beadsbydesign

BP 40 Creative; Studio C-1
Creative communication. Cinematography, directing, editing.

Jere Brookshire; Studio J  
Large and small scale architectural sculpture, design, fabrication

Brothers Young Productions; Studio A, G & G-1 ; 770-653-6533
Film production company specializes in translating visions into visuals. With decades of combined experience in the film realm.

Rae Broyles Fine Art Studio; Studio C-3; 770-714-8841
Contemporary and abstract paintings in multiple mediums; video. 

By Design; Studio J-3; 770-919-9640
Promotional Graphic Design. Custom apparel, graphic design and promotional products.Design.Print.Produce

Centerstage North Theatre; Studio O: 770-331-0079
Centerstage North Theatre is Cobb County's longest running non-profit community theatre, offering a diverse range of performances and events throughout the year.

Nick Cook Woodturner; Studio I; 770-421-1212
Vessels, Wine Stoppers, Turnings; Instruction

Mathew Craven Studio; Studio K-1; 678-230-8290
Matthew Craven is a fine art sculptor of ceramic vessels and fine art abstract paintings in oils and encaustic.

Leigh Ann Culver Studio; Studio E
Culver uses life-like detail and scale to give the silent a voice, to tell their story, and to encourage viewers to confront and connect to people with which they otherwise might not interact.

Helen DeRamus Studio; Studio L-1;  770-378-9003
Paintings and Drawings, using oil and photography to create both small and large scale artwork. 
Workshops and drawing classes now scheduled.

Allison Doke Fine Art; Studio A-2678-779-9403
Fine artist focusing on landscapes, city-scapes, and everyday subject matter ranging from figurative to still life paintings.
www.AllisonDokeFineArt.com: @allisondoke

Tarn Eyl Art; Studio E-1; 770-367-1034
Mixed media and intuitive art.

Ehecatl Studio; Studio G-2 ; .770-633-3838
Vision Bear fulfills a dream quest through Ehecatl Studio, with Spirit and his ancestral gifts to teach others how to transform their lives through art. Instruction, Fine Art.  "Ehecatl  meaning Spirit or that which moves but can not be seen"
Ehecatl Facebook page

Faux Decor, Toby Sanders; Studio O-1; 404-458-7440
Decorative painted finishes for walls, ceilings, floors, cabinetry, and accessories.Glazes,stenciling, gilding, Textures, Classes scheduled.

Glass Graphics; Studio F-1 ; 770-426-4922
Custom Etched glass, Table Tops, Mirrors.
Since 1990, Glass Graphics has specialized in sandblasting, frosting, etching, filming, & carving a variety of custom graphics and logos onto glass windows, doors, storefronts, mirrors, tabletops, signage, and more.      

​Christy Hayes Fine Art ; Studio M
Acrylic Painting Classes (Beginner to advanced) and alcohol ink workshops.

Huie Creative; Studio E3
Mixed Media, Sculpture, Painting

Gerrie Lowell Quilt making; Studio M
Quilt making, Quilting classes; Individual and group instruction/workshops

Shane McDonald Studios; Studio K -1 &  K-2; 770-218-0676
Paintings/Drawings of Allegory and Nature, Drawing/Painting Classes.
Shane McDonald is a fine art painter of figurative, landscape and portrait paintings in oil, acrylic, and pastel.  He also paints murals for residences and public buildings.  His K-2 studio offers weekly classes in painting and drawing and hosts a weekly open studio life figure drawing/painting session

Shannon Meadows Fine Art; Studio A-2 : 678-596-4691
Fine artist focusing on landscapes, city-scapes, and everyday subject matter ranging from figurative to still life paintings .

Rip Potter Design Studio; Studio E-2 
Small works in wood, Functional sculpture.

Actor Rob Pralgo  works the craft in Television, film and commercials,
Class focus is on how to spend a quality few minutes of rehearsal time with the script by defining measurable scene Objectives, using specific tactics/Verbs to try to achieve our measurable objectives, and finding our triggers.
Pralgos Acting Class Facebook

Barbara Rehg Studios; Studio K
 Mixed-media artist whose abstract expressionist work is characterized by a lyrical use of line, color and composition, fusing forms that play with the viewer’s perceptions.

Marcus Ryan Studios; Studio H; 770-883-9274
Hand Colored Fine Art Photography. Hand colored with Acrylic Paint to add color and texture.

Laura Shull Studios, Studio E-4.
Evocative images that mix classic art and contemporary culture, primarily featuring women unabashedly indulging in moments of delight using collections and original costumes to dress models in hand-styled wigs and accessories. Models are staged in elaborate backdrops to convey a sense of naturalism in the images. 

Amanda Tanner Art; Studio H-2;678-367-1299
Semi-abstract, emotive landscapes in oil, acrylic, and watercolor

White Flame Studios; Studio C-1
Exceptional video content solutions, offering full concept to completion turn-key production services. Directing, Cinematography, Editing, Visual Effects, Animation, Color Grading.

Fedra Yazdi Fine Arts; Studio C
Fedra Yazdi is a contemporary artist. Her work is inspired by Persian textiles.

The center houses 30 + studios in more than 43,000 square feet with Artists and Craftsmen working in the fields of  sculpture, printmaking, custom furniture making, film making, portrait painting, contemporary painting, ceramics, wood turning, textiles, architecture, wood working, decorative arts, jewelry, graphics.
Studios   Workshops   Showrooms
585  Cobb  Parkway  South        Marietta  Georgia   30060      

AFX Studios; Studio N; 770-499-0735; 770-856-3258; Sculpture, Special FX, www.afxstudios.com; @freitas7316
Leslie Alterman, C-2 Intuitive abstract expressionist, instruction. 678-938-6027
The Artists' Asylum; Studio H; 378-401-5781
Aerialists, Open Practice and classes, Aerial Points, Artists and Performers.
Beads By Design; Studio L; 770-425-3909
Limited Edition & custom designed precious jewelry. Classes
BP 40 Creative, Studio C-1. Cinematographer
Jere Brookshire; Studio J ; 404-583-7268
Large and small scale architectural sculpture, design, fabrication
Brothers Young Productions; Studio G & G-1 ; 770-653-6533
Film production company. http://www.broyopro.com
Rae Broyles; Studio C-3; 770-714-8841. Contemporary and abstract paintings in multiple mediums; Video.    www.raebroyles.com
Nick Cook Woodturner; Studio I; 770-421-1212
Vessels, Wine Stoppers, Turnings; Instruction
Mathew Craven Studio; Studio K-1; 678-230-8290
Fine art sculptor of ceramic vessels and fine art abstract paintings in oils and encaustic 
Leigh Ann Culver, Studio E. www.leighannculver.com. Large and small scale works on paper, panels and murals
elen DeRamus Studio; Studio L-1;  770-378-9003
Paintings and Drawings, using oil and photography to create both small and large scale artwork. 
Workshops and drawing classes now scheduled.
Allison Doke; Atelier K-2
Tarn Eyl, 770-367-1034
Mixed media and intuitive art.
Ehecatl Studio; Studio G-2 ; .770-633-3838
Vision Bear fulfills a dream quest through Ehecatl Studio, with Spirit and his ancestral gifts to teach others how to transform their lives through art. Instruction, Fine Art.  "Ehecatl  meaning Spirit or that which moves but can not be seen"
Faux Decor, Toby Sanders; Studio O-1; 404-458-7440
Decorative painted finishes for walls, ceilings, floors, cabinetry, and accessories.Glazes, stenciling, gilding, Textures, Classes scheduled.
Glass Graphics; Studio F-1 ; 770-426-4922
Custom Etched glass, Table Tops, Mirrors.  
Christy Hayes Fine Art ; Studio C
Acrylic Painting Classes (Beginner to advanced) and alcohol ink workshops.
Chuck Huie, Studio E3 @chuckhuie
Gerrie Lowell; Studio M. Quilting classes and workshops
Shane McDonald Studios; Studio K -1 &  K-2; 770-218-0676
Paintings/Drawings of Allegory and Nature, Drawing/Painting Classes.
Shannon Meadows; Atelier K-2
Rip Potter Design Studio; Studio E-2 ; 404-457-5414
 Small works in wood, Functional sculpture.Models for sets, Miniature models.  Design/Build
PRALGO's ACTING CLASS;Studio A-1;  go to  Pralgos Acting Class Facebook for sign ups and details
Barbara Rehg: Studio K:  Mixed media artist ,  abstract expressionist work. www.brehgstudios.com
Marcus Ryan Studios; Studio H; 770-883-9274
Hand Colored Fine Art Photography. Hand colored with Acrylic Paint to add color and texture.
Laura Shull Studios, Studio E-4.
Evocative images that mix classic art and contemporary culture, primarily featuring women unabashedly indulging in moments of delight using collections and original costumes to dress models in hand-styled wigs and accessories. Models are staged in elaborate backdrops to convey a sense of naturalism in the images. 
Amanda Tanner Art; Studio H-2;678-367-1299
Semi-abstract, emotive landscapes in oil, acrylic, and watercolor
White Flame Studios, Studio C-1. www.whiteflamestudios.com. Video content solutions, offering full concept to completion turn-key production services. Directing, Cinematography, Editing, Visual Effects, Animation, Color Grading
Fedra Yazdi Fine Arts; Studio C
Fedra Yazdi is a contemporary artist, her work is inspired by Persian textiles.